Speaker & Facilitator

Allan’s Key Note
Speaker Topics

  1. Evolving leadership.
  2. Resilience and compassion in leadership.
  3. Empowering leaders to create supportive and inclusive workplaces so people can do their absolute best.
  4. Leading through change successfully drawing on stories memoir
    The Courage to Lead – Resilience and Compassion in Police Command“.
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Speaker and Facilitator

Allan has facilitated leadership courses in the NSW Police every year since 2003.

These were not NSW Police Leadership Courses they were courses prepared and ran by Allan each and every year.

The first course was ran outside of work hours with staff volunteering to come in their own time.  After that first year the concept just grew and was always held in work time with a waiting list.

These courses were not your normal course that targeted Supervisors and Managers.  Allan targeted junior staff who had that spark waiting to find out what was possible once they were exposed to dynamic caring leaders.

There were 200+staff who took part in these courses, with many of them now leaders themselves  influencing and creating the next leaders.

Allan is committed to sharing what has worked and what hasn’t at a leadership level, drawing upon his experience at major front-line events.  Through this approach, he has led and influenced successful leadership teams and the next generation of young leaders to make a difference in workplaces and communities.  These lessons are relevant for any business, company or organisation.

A great example of Allan’s facilitating skills is his work in Homelessness.  From 2013 -2020 Allan led and facilitated a multiagency response to Homelessness in the Sydney CBD and also the Northern  Suburbs of Sydney from Waverton through to the Northern Beaches up to Hornsby and including Ryde.  As a result of this work a sustained number of rough sleepers (400+) were permanently housed with support, creating new opportunities for our most vulnerable.

Allan also facilitated leadership workshops for ACT Corrections in 2021 and more recently due to facilitate training on behalf of Department of Community and Justice for Local Government leaders addressing managing risk for Crowded Places events, 2022

In 2023 recently coached and facilitated a whole of Team strategy session for 2023-24 for Link Wentworth including:

1.  One on One Coaching for nominated leaders
2.  Training that creates a formidable leadership team
3.  Training that brings the leadership team and the people they lead together so they are a cohesive united team, adaptable to a changing world.

Allan’s proven strategies result in stronger resilience of self, your people, your stakeholders, and the wider community.

These strategies are relevant for any business, company or organisation.

Guest presenter to


Allan is a humble leader with a passion for bringing out the best in others. He has a long and distinguished career in the NSW Police as a Superintendent. Throughout this time Allan used his position power to champion solutions for the most vulnerable – people experiencing homelessness.

I worked with Allan and others to establish a collective impact response to people sleeping rough in Sydney. This saw a significant change in the policies and practices for assertive outreach leading to improved collaboration, more trauma informed responses and better outcomes for people sleeping rough. It also led to significant improvements in police interactions with people sleeping rough.

He is a natural coach and excellent facilitator. More recently I’ve worked with Allan to run workshops on everything from crime prevention through environmental design to leadership in not for profits.

Trina Jones
NSW Rental Commissioner

One of the best leaders I’ve worked with. Allan galvanises people around a shared goal in both an inspiring and pragmatic way. He changed the way Policing was done for special events by listening, negotiating and then taking responsibility for what happened on the day. We need more like him!

Jan Willett Consulting Principal, Jan Willett Consulting

Allan Sicard is an outstanding leader and person who I highly recommend. Having worked with Allan I have seen his leadership in action and the inspiration he gives to people around him. A great contributor to the Community and an extremely hard worker as well!

Craig Sheridan APM 
Managing Director, Sheridan Consulting Group Pty Ltd

Allan recently completed a fabulous leadership and team cohesion training program to one of my business streams that absolutely hit the mark.
Allan took care from start to finish in making sure that the program design and execution met my brief, and the level of engagement and commitment by the team was great – even the homework tasks!
I can highly recommend Allan, he is skilled in his areas of expertise, personable and has the ability to make sure all participants have a voice without getting off-point – thanks Allan.

Amanda Murray
Senior Manager within the Social and Affordable Housing sector

Allan, It was an absolute honour to have you join us in the NSW SES North Eastern Zone, and share your knowledge with our amazing leaders!

It was fantastic to finally meet you, and we definitely got some gold nuggets from you on how to empower not only ourselves but our teams.
Thank you so much for last night but also for writing your book and inspiring me!

Lacy L. Zone Operational Readiness Officer, NSW State Emergency Service – North Eastern Zone – Leading Senior Operator – Lismore City SES Unit

Over the weekend we held Centre for Social Impact Leadership for Social Impact intensive. Amazing cohort of professionals disrupting their approaches to leadership and complex social challenges. Thanks to guests Allan Sicard former NSW Police Superintendent who demonstrated authentic leadership & Phil Hugill formally from Corrections who students describe as “the butterfly effect” in action. Finally the first 3 guest who were kind enough to be interviewed for the course Ian Martin on governance Trudi Mitchell on executive Member for Cessnock Clayton on Political leadership.

Lee Cooper, Senior Lecturer, UNSW Business School, Centre for Social Impact

Thrilled to have had the opportunity to meet Allan Sicard, a remarkable leader and author of the book ‘The Courage to Lead.’ Allan’s insights on leadership have truly inspired me. He believes that the true measure of a leader is how many leaders they create. I couldn’t agree more! His emphasis on building diverse and inclusive teams to achieve new heights together resonates deeply with me.

During the conversation, Allan shared how he developed a leadership style that created a workplace and community where people thrive. By fostering trust, support, and care, he empowered individuals to do their best work. It’s clear that his 40 years of experience as a NSW Police Officer and Commander, including the last 15 years of his career, have shaped his exceptional leadership approach.

Thank you, Allan Sicard, for sharing your wisdom and reminding us of the power of leadership. I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn from you and apply valuable lessons in my own journey.

Jyoti Arora, Engagement Manager