2024 has started with some exciting bookings for “The Courage to Lead” book.

I am off to Queensland Police on 7 March 2024 for a presentation based on my book The Courage to Lead – Resilience and Compassion in Police Command to their Leadership Centre Masterclass Series.  Thank you to Queensland Police for arranging this. It is a privilege and an honour to be speaking to serving police about what worked and what didn’t work in my Leadership story.

Before that I have a “Meet The Author Presentation” at Hornsby Library, supported by Berkelouw  Books in Hornsby on 22 February 2024.  if you want to attend that presentation this link Meet the Author Bookings

HSC7397 Meet the Author Allan Sicard A6 Draft 1[24]

On the 14 March 2024 I am at the Lane Cove Library for another Meet The Author Presentation, supported by the Burns Bay Bookery.  Once the bookings page for that is available I will let you all know.

On the 16 & 17 March 2024 I am at The Pacific Bay Resort, in Coffs Harbour for the NSW State Emergency Services Commanders Conference where I will be an after dinner speaker.

Future Bookings:

If you wish to book me for an author talk, a Leadership presentation, and Speaking engagement or a Leadership Workshop I can accomodate any size business or workplace, large or small, or equally any community group my contact details are on my website

If you wish to purchase bulk copies of The Courage to Lead book, there are discounts available for bulk orders just contact me via the website.

Thank you all for your ongoing support.  These bookings came from the recommendations of others who have read my book.