Just completed a 3 strategy session with Link Wentworth today on 17/2/23 that included over the last 4 weeks:

2 x one on one coaching sessions with a nominated leader

1 full days session facilitating the strengthening of a formidable leadership team focused on cohesiveness and support for each other and their purpose

1 full days session with the whole of the team and the units within that team on the new direction and cohesion of the whole team in a changing environment.

Well done to everyone involved, their commitment to the process was outstanding.

Well done in particular to Link Wentworth and Amanda Murray for the investment and commitment into the development of their whole team.

There were a number of amazing testimonials at the end of the day, some of them are listed below:

“It was exciting to see the whole team get together and collaborate and be involved in creating their own future within the organisation.”

“The opportunity for everyone to have an input. Allan allowed the team to be self directed and own the direction. Great opportunity to have an expert present to us.

“The motivation & the whole team approach was amazing. The purpose was very much achieved.”

“Working with the team having a voice.”

Lastly thank you to Trina Jones, CEO Homelessness NSW for spending an hour with the team today via Zoom sharing the opportunities and the challenges in the social and affordable housing environment.