This is a story about leadership learned at a very early age, and the lessons learned are on display for everyone.

Trina Jones is the CEO for Homelessness NSW and has held that role for nearly 6 months now.

I worked with Trina several years ago when she was the Manager for the Homelessness Unit for City of Sydney Council.

Trina is one of the best leaders I have ever had the privilege of working with. She has an innate, ingrained ability to work with and influence others, who she has no authority over or with, to get an amazing outcome, working together.

Throughout this interview it will become obvious where this depth came from.

Trina sought out her first job at 12 years old and then tells the story she was the longest serving 21 year old Night Club Manager in Ireland, because she lied about her age for 5 years.

She was influenced by other leaders who had the adage, “If I see a problem I walk towards it, ” and Trina definitely has that style.

There are some absolute gems of quotes that Trina lives her life by, at a leadership level and as a mum.

“Back yourself as a leader”

” Reflect regularly on what you did to cause a problem”

As a mum – “Learn to let it go and don’t give yourself a hard time.”

“Leadership is held loosely and given freely”

“Leading from the back like a gardener. Our people are the flowers and we work with them seeing them grow and succeed.”

Trina as a Leader, a wife and a mum, there is a constant juggle of glass balls and rubber balls.

The glass balls can’t be dropped, they are marriage, parenthood, friendships, passion for her work, her health.

The rubber balls are the laundry and doing everything for everyone. Rubber balls can be dropped at anytime without any real consequence.

In the middle of this interview there is a very simple explanation around what Homelessness is and why it is important to all of us that we solve Homelessness, if we all work together to solve it. Trina is a walking, talking google search engine on all things Homelessness so comprehend what she has to say on this issue that is solvable.

Trina finishes with some simple advice for other leaders.

Have a go, don’t be afraid, shape it, change it with others, be loose about it, and have a go, if you don’t try you will never know.

Here are the links on Spotify and Apple for Trina’s interview via my Linktree url.