Steve’s story is riveting so here are some highlights.

Steve is a husband, father, grandfather, Pastor, and mentor to many many people. He is also one of my closest friends. One of those people you can go to, if you are having one of your worst days ever, he is there for you.

Steve has been and still is in the Security industry for decades. You may be asking how does a former high ranking Police Officer and a Managing of a Security Company become close friends.

Steve is one of the most ethical people I know and takes painstaking efforts to ensure he and his team deliver outcomes that reflect highly in excellence, building productive relationships and reputation.

Steve has been the longest serving presenter for Police Leadership Workshops that I ran every year from 2011-2020 to upcoming leaders and his story has influenced many new leaders to become better leaders.

Steve’s story is similar too many good leaders.

There are mistakes, wasted opportunities, then an awakening, a life changing decision, the support of a mentor when it would have been easy not to, then a myriad of decisions around ethics and best practice strategies that form who Steve Van Zwieten is.

I trust you will enjoy this interview there are some real gems of insight in here that every leader faces including the doubt many leaders are faced with when a new challenge appears – am I good enough or am I an imposter? The biggest gem is how Steve empowers others to do their best and through that building trust and innovation through others.