A former NSW Police Force officer for 6 years, who went on to become a Leader in Mission Beat and Mission Australia in both the City and Country.

Some incredible stories about making a difference for those most vulnerable in our community. Wait till you hear the story about the ex steeple chase jockey who ended up on the streets of Sydney for several years only to “saved” by Daniel and given a life of dignity with a home. Or there is the story where Daniel the Mission Australia street worker meets someone he arrested in his former role as a Police Officer. Daniel is getting ready to run when something entirely different happens. Some really good simple explanations about what it is to be homeless and how easy it is for any of us to be there.

One of the best media presenters you will ever see or hear, who is a self professed “Voice for the Voiceless.”

Daniel is now an an elected Councillor in Goulburn City Council in rural New South Wales, and an on-call Funeral Director who provides support to families at the most challenging of times. In the middle of all this he is the principal organiser of the Goulburn Mens Walk where men walk in the cold environment of Goulburn every Tuesday at 6am to Walk, Talk and Support each other. On top of all this Daniel is the father to 5 children and a loyal and devoted husband to his lovely wife who makes all this selfless life possible. An incredible story with Leadership lessons in every story Daniel tells.

The Courage to Lead Interview series is now on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Please find the links below. If you like the show please leave a review and a rating. Your comments and support will ensure a wide range of listeners get to hear how good leaders like Daniel Strickland are and what they have to offer all of us.



