As promised, ALLANSICARD.COM is introducing a fortnightly interview series with leaders in our community who have the courage to lead in a way that is empowering, supportive and inclusive.

Check out our first interview/podcast. I’m just getting used to the format and how it all works, so the interviewer (me) needs to improve but the 1st guest on our Courage to Lead interview series was and is exceptional. I hope you enjoying listening to Erin Longbottom and what she humbly shares with all of us.

Erin Longbottom is the Nursing Unit Manager of the St Vincents Hospital Homeless Medical Outreach Team and her story, along with the team who supports her, and the partner agencies and organisations they work with are exceptional in how they help the most vulnerable people in our community everyday.

It is a true leadership story as it goes beyond what is normally possible, all through empowering people to do their best.