In the latest episode of the “Courage to Lead” interview series, host Alan sits down with Kylea Tink, an independent federal member for North Sydney. Kylea’s story is a compelling narrative of leadership, resilience, and community engagement. From her early days in a small country town to her impactful roles as CEO of Camp Quality and the McGrath Foundation, and now as a political leader, Kylea’s journey offers valuable lessons for aspiring leaders. This blog post delves into the key themes discussed in the episode, breaking down each tip in detail to provide actionable advice and thorough explanations.

Early Experiences of Leadership
The Oldest Sibling Advantage
Kylea attributes her first true experience of leadership to being the oldest of four children. Growing up in a small town in New South Wales, Australia, she was often expected to step up and help care for her siblings. This early responsibility instilled in her a sense of duty and the belief that if something was broken, she should work to fix it.

  • Embrace Responsibility Early: Whether in family settings or early career roles, taking on responsibilities can shape your leadership skills.
  • Learn from Every Role: Even seemingly minor roles can teach valuable lessons about responsibility and leadership.

Connection to Upbringing
Community and Collective Effort
Kylea’s upbringing in Coonabarabran, a small town with a population of around 3,000, was marked by a strong sense of community. Her parents were involved in local initiatives, teaching her the importance of contributing to the community. This collective effort mindset has been a cornerstone of her leadership style.

  • Engage with Your Community: Participate in local initiatives and understand the power of collective effort.
  • Value Simplicity: Sometimes, the simplest upbringing can provide the most profound lessons in leadership and community engagement.

Personal Growth and Reflection
The Desire to Explore
Despite her fond memories, Kylea felt a strong desire to leave her hometown at 18 to seek new opportunities. This decision was driven by her need for personal growth and new experiences.

  • Seek New Experiences: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to explore new opportunities.
  • Reflect on Your Roots: While it’s essential to grow, always remember the values and lessons from your upbringing.

Fear of Failure
Turning Failure into a Learning Opportunity
Kylea candidly shares her experience of failing her first year at university, which led to her suspension. This moment of failure became a turning point, prompting her to reflect on her true passions. Encouraged by her grandmother, she shifted her focus to studying communications, which ultimately set her on a successful career path.

  • Embrace Failure: View failures as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • Seek Guidance: Don’t hesitate to seek advice and encouragement from mentors or family members during challenging times.

Embracing Opportunities
The Heart-Head Balance
Kylea discusses her belief in seizing opportunities, even when they come with uncertainty. She recounts her decision to join the McGrath Foundation after the passing of Jane McGrath, emphasising the emotional connection she felt to Jane’s story and the mission of the foundation.

  • Follow Your Heart: Sometimes, emotional connections can guide you to the most fulfilling opportunities.
  • Balance Rational and Emotional Decisions: Strive to find a balance between rational career decisions and emotional motivations.

Impact of the McGrath Foundation
The Role of Breast Care Nurses
Kylea explains the unique role of breast care nurses, which the McGrath Foundation aims to support. These nurses provide essential guidance through the healthcare system, making a significant difference in the lives of patients and their families.

  • Understand the Impact: Recognise the profound impact that specific roles or initiatives can have on individuals and communities.
  • Support Meaningful Causes: Get involved in causes that resonate with you and where you can make a tangible difference.

Gender Equality
Advocating for Inclusive Leadership
Kylea is a strong advocate for gender equality and emphasises the importance of including women in leadership roles.

  • Promote Inclusivity: Advocate for gender equality and inclusive leadership in your organisation.
  • Educate Yourself: Read books and resources that provide insights into gender equality and inclusive practices.

Community Engagement
Navigating Political Challenges
Kylea shares her experiences with community politics, particularly concerning the Australian Electoral Commission’s proposed changes to electoral boundaries. She expresses concern about the potential abolition of the North Sydney seat, which is currently held by a woman.

  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of political changes that may impact your community.
  • Advocate for Representation: Ensure that political systems accurately represent the population and advocate for fair representation.

Advice for Aspiring Leaders
Three Key Pieces of Guidance
In response to Allan’s question about advice for those wanting to follow in her footsteps, Kylea offers three key pieces of guidance:

  1. Self-Reflection: Take the time to understand what truly motivates you and what you want to achieve.
  2. Build Relationships: Identify key players in your field and engage with them to learn and grow.
  3. Embrace Opportunities: Be open to saying yes when unexpected opportunities arise, even if they don’t align perfectly with your initial goals.


Kylea’s journey exemplifies the courage to lead with both heart and head. Her experiences highlight the importance of resilience, community engagement, and the need for leaders who are willing to challenge the status quo. As she continues her work in parliament, Kylea Tink MP remains committed to fostering a more equitable and sustainable future for all Australians. Her story serves as an inspiration for aspiring leaders to embrace responsibility, seek new experiences, and advocate for meaningful change in their communities.

For the complete interview click the Play button below.