In nearly all of our interviews so far, our leaders have shared with us that they were inspired by a family member or relative to go down the leadership path they chose. The inspiration came from a grandparent, a parent or an aunt or uncle. Not every leader, but a high majority.

The Sicard family has Uncle Len. He is due to celebrate his 100th birthday in early December 2022. Uncle Len has a story to be told. Rest assured Uncle Len, didn’t want to tell his story. He has listened to some of the Courage to Lead series and feels he has nothing to offer.

Leaders do not have to be the Commander of a Submarine, or the CEO of a Football Club. Leadership starts at home.

This interview is Len’s Story. It is a story about growing up in a very small country town, delivering the meat with his dad, the local butcher on the cutting cart – wait till you hear the description of the truck.

A story about getting the call up for World War II and being the rear gunner in a Halifax Bomber. His recollection about the training, where they went and what they did and how they did it is amazing.

A story about falling in love with his best friend and spending the rest of his life with her, but there is a great twist in this romance story and it will leave you with a smile on your face.

Then there is Uncle Len’s dedication to his fitness. To this day he still does the routine he will describe in detail during this interview. The numbers 50 to 300 feature regularly along with a 100 second plank, all at the young age of 99.

Then there is the story about community and the true support of neighbours.

I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I did. He is an absolute gentleman.

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