I was recently a guest on The Geoff Stanwell Radio Show on 20 September 2023, 90.3FM Radio Northern Beaches.  Geoff Stanwell is a gifted radio announcer and it is like talking to an old friend. He interviewed me about my recently self published book, “The Courage to Lead – Resilience and Compassion in Police Command”, which several reviews have highlighted is a compelling page turning story about leadership, resilience, courage, and the power of support.

A Journey into Leadership

My book, which we discussed during my previous visit to Geoff’s studio in March 2023(prior to the book launch in June 2023), is a testament to experiences as a leader. Self-published and personally wrapped to anyone who purchases the book from my website


with a custom bookmark and a leadership quote card, the book is a labor of love. It’s written in the first person, complete with photos, making it a personal and intimate journey into my life and career.

Geoff made the point that the book is not just about leadership, but also about learning from failures and moving forward. Geoff extracts from me to candidly share my experiences from my first command, a challenging time that almost led me to give up. However, questions glean answers that emphasise the importance of seeking help, learning from mentors, and building a supportive team.

The Courage to Empower Others

My book places a significant emphasis on courage, but not just any courage. It’s about the courage to empower others as a leader. Geoff found several examples to highlight the theme of the book to eventually becoming a successful leader.  My family background also played a role in shaping my career. My uncle, a well-loved police officer with a colourful career, may have sparked a secret desire in my father for someone else in the family to join the police force.

The Role of Support in the Police Force

Geoff highlighted during the interview that my experiences as a commander taught me to prioritise the well-being of our officers over performance and creating a supportive and inclusive workplace where people could thrive.

This was particularly important given the lack of awareness about mental health issues like PTSD during my time in the police force.  Geoff highlighted a chapter in “The Courage to Lead” which described how we implemented a support system in our station, which was crucial in handling horrible incidents like suicides and assaults. Geoff drilled down on a story in the book that highlighted the time I created a two-day high-risk workshop for supervisors and inspectors, inviting commanders and guest speaker Alan Sparks, an expert on wellbeing, to share their experiences. This initiative led to three individuals seeking mental health support, highlighting the importance of a supportive workplace culture.

The Importance of Teamwork and Communication

Geoff had fun extracting some of my stories as  time as a part-time rescue worker and a full-time highway patrol officer which taught me the importance of teamwork. Geoff loved getting me to tell the humorous story about learning how to use a chainsaw and my not so good skills in this training endeavour.  One specific incident Geoff wanted to expand on what the time I was the Police Commander of a job that involved a young woman with a bomb attached to her neck. Despite the high stakes and potential danger, I emphasised in the interview and the memoir, that leadership is not about having all the answers, but about empowering and trusting the expertise of the team members.

Making a Difference Beyond the Police Force

Geoff has a good heart when it comes to helping vulnerable people in our community.  He drilled down on a chapter in The Courage to Lead titled “Homelessness”.  In this chapter I tell the story how I volunteered to be the Sponsor for Homelessness  after witnessing the issue in our Police Area Command. Using a collaborative approach I influenced the experts in this sector, to work in a different way, with no extra funding, and we housed hundreds of people, just by working smarter. This had not been done before, Geoff was very curious how it came to pass that I organised for police stations all over New South Wales to donate their second-hand police boots to Mission Australia for several years, as a testament to my dedication to raising awareness about homelessness.


My conversation with Geoff Stanwell was an opportunity to deep dive into what my memoir, “The Courage to Lead – Resilience and Compassion in Police Command”is all about.  It is a contemporary honest account of the world of leadership, the importance of support, and the courage to empower others. My story, from earning my stripes, to leadership, and paying it forward is a story about resilience and commitment to making a difference. Geoff highlighted that my book is not just a memoir, but a guide to leadership and the power of support. I am grateful to Geoff Stanwell allowing me to share my experiences and insights, and I look forward to seeing the impact my book will have on future leaders.

All links to “The Courage to Lead – Resilience and Compassion in Police Command” can be found on my website: