Alex Greenwich MP, Independent Member for Sydney, is a wonderful human being. After 12 years in the New South Wales State Parliament as an Independent Member he has achieved some amazing outcomes.

Alex has some incredible credentials.

– the Co Chair behind the Marriage Equality Act which eventuated in the act being passed into Legislation.
– A driving force behind the legalising of Abortion in NSW 3 years ago
– A driving force behind Reproductive Health Care Reform
– A driving force behind having Euthanasia legalised.

Alex was a regular presenter to the North Sydney/Chatswood Police Leadership Programs over several years. He was the only politician to be granted this opportunity because of what he brings to the table.

I have never met anyone who has Alex’s ability to work with anyone, to get an outcome, even people who are initially openly hostile and nasty towards him. It is a skill and a leadership attribute that we rarely see in todays world, and a skill that allows for better outcomes for our world.

This interview delves into how Alex was formed into the leader he is today.

His parents encouraged discussions about anything at any time, sex workers, drug addicts, homelessness, nothing was off the table. His Grandmother, Jacqui, lived in America and was a loud and proud advocate against President George Bush’s Abortion Policies. Alex’s grandmother was his first exposure to My Body My Choice, I should control my own body, and set up his passion for what eventuated in legalising Abortion in NSW three years ago.

Alex worked with his parents in their HR Recruiting Firm, Winning Attitudes, learning over 12 years, every day what motivated people around their lives in regards to dignity, purpose and salary.

It was during his time with Winning Attitudes that Alex began his work as a Marriage Equality advocate at a time when no government would discuss the topic,

Alex helped changed the landscape across high profile Australian Corporates that it was time to discuss Marriage Equality.

Alex talks us through his wonderful relationship with his husband Victor, and you will be left with a smile on your face with the relationship they share, having fun in life’s most simplest moments.

Alex then takes us to how he became a member of parliament. At at time when Clover Moore was the Mayor of Sydney and also the Member for Bligh/Sydney, the then Liberal Government changed the laws and said a member of parliament could not hold both positions.

When this happened Alex contacted Clover asking what he could do as he felt his democratic vote had just been taken away by a political process.

Clover asked Alex to work for her people, and then Clover’s people became Alex’s people. The bi election was brought on by the Liberal Party within 3 weeks of Clover Moore stepping down because of the new legislation. However Clover Moore backed Alex Greenwich to be her replacement and that endorsement rewrote history. In Alex’s words, “Now there are two of us.”

Alex see’s his role as ensuring no one gets left behind, even those most challenged and disadvantaged in our community. On his office wall he has the picture of a homeless man, sitting with his dog on a Sydney street. Alex know the story of that man, “It’s who I work for”

Alex was a lived experience candidate on the show Filthy Rich and Homeless, living on the streets of Sydney without support for 10 days. Alex describes this time as a lightbulb moment, anybody can become homeless, all it takes is some of life’s misfortunes to occur and homelessness is a reality.

Alex views his role in parliament as a privilege but he is aware that politicians are human beings. They are flawed, they make mistakes and we change our minds. Forgiveness is important. Alex makes his business not to leave anyone behind.

A final piece of advice from Alex for empowering future leaders – “Don’t be afraid.”

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