The Journey to Leadership: An Introduction

As the host of the Courage to Lead interview series, I recently had the privilege of sitting down with a remarkable figure in Tasmanian politics, Felix Ellis. As the Minister for Emergency Management, Resources, Skills Training, and Workforce Growth, Felix brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective on leadership that I was eager to explore. I remember being struck by his storytelling prowess and diverse background when I first heard him speak at an official dinner. At just 34 years old, Felix’s role in the challenging Tasmanian state government is nothing short of impressive.

The Roots of Leadership: From Head Boy to Minister

Our conversation began with a look back at Felix’s first brush with leadership as the head boy of his primary school in Broome, Kimberley. He candidly shared that he felt ill-prepared at the time and didn’t represent his peers as well as he would have liked. This early experience taught him valuable lessons about preparation, focusing on people, and the essence of servant leadership.

The Dream of Writing and the Reality of Trade

Felix also revealed a lesser-known chapter of his life – his aspiration to pen the great Australian novel. While he did complete a novel after moving to Tasmania in his early 20s, it wasn’t quite the masterpiece he had hoped for. This pursuit, however, was a testament to his determination and passion.

Transitioning from literature to labor, we discussed Felix’s background as a plumber and gas fitter. The values of hard work, humility, and practical problem-solving were ingrained in him during his apprenticeship. These skills proved invaluable, enabling him to assist individuals from various backgrounds throughout his career as a tradesperson.

Navigating the Challenges of Tasmanian Politics

The conversation then turned to the demanding nature of the Tasmanian state government. Felix attributed his success in this environment to his upbringing, voracious reading habits, and admiration for political leaders who demonstrated courage under pressure. His political interests were sparked by his remote upbringing and the influence of his parents, especially his mother, a remote area nurse.

When discussing the skills he aspires to emulate, Felix listed several political leaders, noting their courage and conviction in serving the public. He also recognized the importance of humility and the pursuit of continuous learning in politics.

Learning from Failure: The COVID-19 Pandemic

I asked Felix to share a personal example of failure and the lessons learned. He reflected on the COVID-19 pandemic, acknowledging moments when he wished he had been more assertive in voicing his constituents’ concerns. The pandemic underscored the need for humility and the value of learning from past experiences, especially during crises.

A Rapid Rise and the Weight of Responsibility

Felix’s ascent in the Tasmanian parliament has been swift, with him now holding multiple significant roles, including being the leader of the house. He spoke of the diverse responsibilities he manages and the rapid progression of his political career.

The Finite Nature of Political Leadership

Felix and I delved into the impact of his senior government positions on his leadership approach, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. He acknowledged the limited time frame of political leadership and the imperative to make a meaningful impact. Felix emphasised the need to consider the future and the challenges that lie ahead for the next generations, such as an aging population, climate change, and global instability.

Balancing Present and Future Challenges

We discussed the delicate balance between addressing current issues and preparing for the future. Felix highlighted the importance of humility and recognizing personal biases in this process.

The Role of Family in Shaping a Leader

Turning to his personal life, Felix spoke about his wife, Margo, and her role as his moral compass. Their home discussions range from professional matters to the everyday challenges of renovating their old house, illustrating the normalcy behind the public figure.

Empowering Others: The Hallmark of True Leadership

Felix shared his advice for aspiring leaders, stressing the importance of embracing diverse viewpoints, practicing humility, and empowering those around them. He suggested that careers in the military or policing could provide a solid foundation for future politicians, given the skills and life perspectives these roles offer.

Gratitude and Reflections

As our conversation drew to a close, I expressed my gratitude for Felix’s openness and insights. His leadership philosophy and personal values offer a blueprint for effective governance and serve as an inspiration for current and future leaders alike. Felix’s participation in the interview was not only an honor but also a reminder of the profound impact that thoughtful and courageous leadership can have on society.

In this blog post, we’ve journeyed through the experiences and insights of Minister Felix Ellis, a leader who embodies the courage and dedication required to navigate the complexities of government and the ever-changing landscape of public service. His story is a testament to the power of humility, hard work, and the relentless pursuit of improvement – principles that can guide us all, regardless of our chosen paths.