In a recent episode of the “Courage to Lead” interview series, host Allan Sicard engages in a compelling conversation with Anna Glynn, a speaker, author, and leadership coach. Anna, known for her book “Strong,” shares her journey from informal leadership roles during her university days to formal management positions in the corporate world. This blog post delves into the key themes and insights from their discussion, offering actionable advice for current and aspiring leaders.

Understanding Leadership Beyond Titles

Informal Leadership: The Foundation

Anna’s leadership journey began in university, where she often found herself nominated to lead committees and social initiatives. These experiences taught her the importance of bringing people together and fostering connections. She emphasises that leadership is not confined to formal titles but is about the moments created for others and the impact one has on their team.

Actionable Advice:

  • Seek Opportunities: Look for informal leadership roles in your community or workplace. These roles can provide valuable experience and help you develop essential leadership skills.
  • Focus on Impact: Concentrate on the positive impact you can have on others, regardless of your title. Leadership is about influence, not authority.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

When Anna was offered her first formal management position, she experienced feelings of imposter syndrome. Despite her aspirations to be a leader, she felt unprepared to guide others and drive their performance. This realisation prompted her to seek further training and mentorship.

Actionable Advice:

  • Seek Mentorship: Find mentors who can provide guidance and support. Their experience can help you navigate the challenges of leadership.
  • Continuous Learning: Invest in management courses and personal development to build your confidence and skills.

Shifting to a Strengths-Based Leadership Model

Recognising and Building on Strengths

Anna discusses her shift from traditional leadership approaches to a strengths-based model. Conventional workplaces often focus on identifying and fixing weaknesses, which she believes is a flawed strategy. Instead, she advocates for recognising and building upon individual strengths within a team.

Actionable Advice:

  • Identify Strengths: Use tools like StrengthsFinder or CliftonStrengths to identify the strengths of your team members.
  • Align Roles with Strengths: Restructure roles to align with individual strengths, enhancing performance and job satisfaction.

Navigating Pushback and Resistance

Implementing new strategies often comes with pushback, particularly from those accustomed to traditional methods. Anna faced skepticism and resistance but relied on research and evidence to support her approach.

Actionable Advice:

  • Use Evidence: Present research and case studies that support the benefits of a strengths-based approach.
  • Emotional Resonance: Highlight the positive impact of focusing on strengths, as people are more motivated when their strengths are acknowledged.

Embracing Continuous Learning and Resilience

Learning from Challenges

Anna reflects on the challenges she faced during her leadership journey, including moments of doubt and frustration. She introduces the concept of “red apples” and “green apples,” where red apples represent those who resist change, while green apples are supporters of her vision.

Actionable Advice:

  • Seek Support: Identify and connect with your “green apples” for encouragement and validation.
  • View Failures as Opportunities: Maintain an optimistic outlook and view failures as opportunities for learning and growth.

Educational Background and Positive Psychology

Anna’s educational background, including her coaching and management courses, has significantly shaped her leadership philosophy. Her introduction to positive psychology provided her with practical strategies to implement within her team.

Actionable Advice:

  • Invest in Education: Pursue courses and certifications in positive psychology and leadership to deepen your understanding and application of these concepts.
  • Encourage Autonomy: Foster a sense of choice and autonomy within your team, allowing them to test various strategies and find what works best.

Launching a Leadership Practice During a Crisis

Adapting to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Anna launched her practice coinciding with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges, she found opportunities to support organisations in navigating the crisis by adapting her workshops to virtual formats.

Actionable Advice:

  • Be Adaptable: Embrace change and be willing to adapt your strategies to meet new challenges.
  • Support Well-Being: Prioritise employee well-being, especially during times of crisis, to maintain a motivated and engaged workforce.

Writing “Strong” and Future Projects

Creating a Leadership Playbook

Anna’s book, “Strong,” emerged from her desire to share practical strategies for leaders. The book is designed for leaders at different stages of their careers, offering actionable insights to enhance their effectiveness.

Actionable Advice:

  • Share Your Knowledge: Consider writing a book or creating content to share your leadership insights and strategies with a broader audience.
  • Plan for the Future: Develop a vision for future projects that can continue to provide value and support to leaders.

Advice for Aspiring Leaders

Ellen asks Anna for advice for aspiring leaders who may be struggling to find their purpose or direction. Anna encourages listeners to seek out their champions—individuals who believe in a better way of leading and creating thriving workplaces.

Actionable Advice:

  • Build a Community: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can support and inspire you on your leadership journey.
  • Prioritise Well-Being: Focus on creating an environment where your team can thrive, leading to better outcomes for the organisation.


This episode of “Courage to Lead” offers a rich exploration of leadership, personal growth, and the importance of creating environments where individuals can thrive. Anna Glenn’s journey serves as a powerful reminder that effective leadership is a continuous learning process, rooted in self-awareness and a commitment to supporting others. By embracing a strengths-based approach, seeking continuous learning, and fostering resilience, leaders can create thriving teams and organisations.

For more insights and practical strategies, explore Anna’s book “Strong,” available on platforms like Amazon and Audible, and visit her website for information about her coaching services. Embrace your leadership journey with confidence and a commitment to continuous growth.